Essential Solutions
to educate and empower families
What are essential oils?
doTERRA is latin for „Gift of the Earth“ and that is exactly what essential oils are. They are called volatile aromatic compounds, and these compounds are found in plants, seeds and flowers and contribute to the aroma, protection and pollination for plants. These compounds also have amazing aromatherapy benefits and depending on quality can be used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications.
Watch the video below for more information!!

Why dōTERRA?
Why choose dōTERRA?
One word, QUALITY.
dōTERRA is passionate about quality and it goes into every part of the company. The companies commitment to Co-Impact sourcing, CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® quality, Source to You and Healing hands are amazing and set dōTERRA apart in the essential oil industry.
About me
Hi, I am Dawn, a wife and mother to 3 wonderful kids!
I began using essential oils not too long ago as we were searching for natural solutions to assist one of our children in the area of focus and concentration. We began using them in various ways to support us in overall health and wellness.
The results were remarkable. Not only are we happy to see such effective results while assisting our bodies in healing, we are also confident in knowing that we are lessening our toxic load at home with toxic free personal care and household cleaners. At the same time, we are also cutting back on waste as we have been making many of our own products with essential oils, such as dishwasher detergent, all-purpose cleaner, deodorant, detangler hair spray, bath bombs, etc…
It is a lot of fun to create with all natural ingredients that have such incredible therapeutic benefits!
Please contact me if you are interested in learning more. I would be happy to set up an appointment with you where we can discuss one on one, the benefits of these lovely pure essential oils.